Isolating Sensitive Voice Data for Transmission

Secure communication channels have long been one of the most crucial aspects of reaching successful outcomes in command and control situations. On the battlefield, voice transmission is an efficient means of providing real-time information. All types of campaigns depend voice communications through a chain of command to coordinate troops, to relay orders and disseminate directives from leadership.

Many factors have created a scenario in which military forces, elite police teams and others who rely on the secure transmission of voice and data have found themselves depending more on public IP networks. The widespread availability of service, even in the most remote areas of the world, coupled with the substantial cost savings obtained by eliminating the need for dedicated transmission networks make the use of the public internet a reality for the modern crime fighting in all types of engagement types.

Red/Black Encryption Architecture

 A longstanding concept in military COMSEC efforts is red/black encryption. The premise of the idea is to keep data separated based on its particular type – “sensitive” or “safe.”

  • Red Side Sensitive Data:

The red side of the system isolates all data that command deems as “sensitive.”  The red side receives and protects unencrypted data until encryption converts the information to “safe.” The red side of a COMSEC system stays secure through means of wire shielding and distance separation of the red and black sides, and in the case of software-controlled systems, through agency-approved isolation software.

  • Black Side Safe Data:

Once the encryption process renders the data “safe,” it moves to the black side of the system for transport. Personnel can use the Black area of the system to communicate all non-sensitive messages and transmit encrypted data received from the red side. Also, the black side receives encrypted information for transfer to the red side for deciphering.

VoIP Transmission Security

 Implementing a secure RoIP encryption measures when broadcasting voice over IP (VoIP) is a practical solution to keeping data uncompromised. One method of accomplishing this is by setting up two mirrored network systems isolated from each other except for a single secure data pathway between the two.

 When the need arises to set up a red/black dispatch, the dispatch operator sets the appropriate settings for a red/black switch to allow the applicable side to receive the message and to terminate the other side’s ability to receive. The black switch directs plain or encrypted voice data to the black side, and the red switch directs unencrypted sensitive data to the red side for processing.

Applying red/black protocol over RoIP gateways is a proven method for effectively securing voice communication. Working with a qualified encrypted communications vendor for military operations can provide a cost-effective and secure means of quick setup for battlefield communications.

Metal Stamping for Kitchen, Laundry and HVAC Equipment

The process of transforming flat metal sheets into various shapes by placing them on a tool and die surface in a stamping press is called metal stamping or pressing. Custom metal stamping is employed when making a variety of appliances in kitchens, laundry and the HVAC equipment for homes.

What Are the Various Types of Metal Stamping Presses?

Stamping presses can be hydraulic or mechanical. The types of metal forming can include punching, embossing, cutting, blanking, coining, flanging and bending through a machine press, performed through multi-step or single-step operations. Typically, cold metal sheets of carbon steel are used for stamping. Some additional metal types can range from stainless steel, aluminum, brass, and a substrate called Inconel.

What Components Are Created by Stamped Metal?

Metal stamping companies in Philadelphia are producing a number of products and components that are used throughout the appliance manufacturing industry. A few of the metal components used in manufacturing of appliances are clamps, springs, washers, metal plates, bracketry, ground straps, and fan systems. Long run stamping often takes place on a progressive die press and is used to complete multiple metal forming tasks in a single pass through the press. Here are some products made with the help of progressive metal stamping:

  • Brackets and brushing for door and instrument panels
  • Heat sinks and shields with various specifications and imprints
  • Wire forms, such as terminals, rings, links, fasteners, hooks and springs
  • Assemblies
  • Lead frames for microchip management and electronics

What Are Some Sheet Metal Stamping Applications in the Appliance Industry?

Here are a few of the products made with sheet metal stamping in commercial and domestic appliances:

  • Washers and dryers
  • Stoves and ovens
  • Outdoor kitchens
  • Refrigeration systems
  • Dishwashers and waste disposal units in sinks
  • Pool and spa pumps
  • Garage door and security systems
  • HVAC units and water heaters
  • Thermostats and temperature control units
  • Irrigation and filtration systems

What Types of Metal Stamping Are Currently Available?

Depending on product design, its uniqueness, specifications, development stage and needs, and the production time frame, most metal stamping companies in Pennsylvania offer two types of metal stamping:

  • Long run stamping, also known as progressive stamping and deep drawn long run stamping, is most commonly used and can produce bulk orders at high rates of 800 or more units per minute. It is a fast and cost-efficient method for large volumes, provided the number of units can even out tooling costs.
  • Short run stamping is ideal for the vetting or testing phase of design and development as it does not require a lot of monetary investment. It offers fast turnaround periods and low tooling costs.

Five Ways To Fight Enamel Demineralization And Keep Your Kids’ Teeth Healthy

As a parent, you spend a fair amount of time thinking about your kids’ teeth. Are they brushing right or are they just chewing toothpaste? When they do brush, is it long enough? All these concerns can be addressed once they get them into the habit of good dental hygiene. You can try to keep them from eating too much candy and sweets, but chances are they will go out of their way to satisfy those cravings.

Despite your best efforts, your kids’ teeth can develop stains due to what’s known as enamel demineralization.  How then, is it possible to keep those little teeth healthy and clean without turning into a drill sergeant? There are some simple steps you can take to keep those teeth strong and white for as long as possible.

What Causes Enamel Demineralization?

Demineralization happens when acid attacks the tooth enamel, which causes it to erode and eventually leads to staining and cavities. As the enamel breaks down, the teeth begin to discolor and turn yellow. Your kids may also complain of sensitivity when chewing or you may notice white spots on your kids teeth. The most popular culprits of erosion-causing acids are found in the foods and drinks we consume, especially sodas and fruit juices.

Limit Fruity Drink Intake

Keep your kids away from sugary drinks as much as possible. Help them become more accustomed to drinking water and low sugar alternatives. If they must have a soda or juice here and there, steer them towards those that do not include citric acid. Insist upon rinsing as best you can.

Increase Water Intake

Besides the fact that it doesn’t contain citric acid, another benefit to your kids drinking plenty of water is that it increases saliva production. Saliva helps to clear debris away from the teeth and restore a normal pH balance in the mouth.

Brush and Floss

You may not be able to watch everything your kids consume but making sure they brush and floss regularly is critical. Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste for two minutes at least twice a day can help stop them from developing white spots on baby teeth and dealing with demineralization.

Calcium is known as an enamel protector and is a great neutralizer of erosion-causing foods. You can also add more dairy, almonds or kale to your kids’ diet to increase calcium intake.

Pediatric Dentist Office Check-ups

Whether it’s preventing erosion before it starts or treating white spots on teeth, your pediatric dental group can certainly help protect your kids’ smile. Regular check-up appointments every six months are usually the recommended check-up schedule.

Kitchen Island Designs That You Can Dine On

Many homeowners desire a kitchen island designed for both dining as well as food preparation. Kitchen islands can create a simple alternative to a dining room without taking up too much floor space while adding value to the kitchen. As you start considering an island, consider how you want this feature to function and look. Here are a few island counter trends to consider.

Recessed Seating, Corbels, and Legs

Most kitchen islands designed with dining in mind have an overhanging surface that provides leg space and seat space without significantly increasing the overall footprint. Some overhangs do not require additional support while others have functional or decorative corbels.

Supports may be situated at the ends or middle of the island. The designer will need to factor in seating height to prevent guests or occupants from banging their knees. You can also choose a design with closed ends or open legs giving it a feel more like a table. There are also many options for shape of the seating area.

Chairs or Stools

The look and footprint of a kitchen island also depends on who is using this space. Try out chairs and stools to make sure the style you choose is easy for everyone in your household to use. The height of the countertop and seats should correspond to any physical needs. For example, seniors may require are rests for stability and children may have height limitations. Surfaces for barstool-style seating are typically 42 inches high. Don’t forget to consider the profile of the arms on any standard pub height chairs you choose. These may prevent you from tucking seating under the overhang when not in use.

Surfaces and Storage

A flat island surface can provide a simple look suitable for the center of a kitchen. Tiered kitchen island designs may be desirable for creating an area where it is easy to serve food that draws attention away from the functional portion of a kitchen. This layout may even combine a standard 36-inch high kitchen counter with a 42-inch barstool-height surface.

Moveable Solutions

Consider a moveable island on casters if you use your kitchen for a variety of purposes and want to be able to relocate the surface when you are entertaining large groups. With the exception of the wheels on the bottom, these kitchen islands can have almost any type of surface and custom cabinetry.

One or more of these dine-in kitchen designs may be right for your home. Consider moveable kitchen island designs for a compact or galley-style kitchen. If you have more space, contact a kitchen designer for big homes to determine how to make the most of one or more islands in your kitchen.

Medical Device Design Benefits From Functional Decomposition

Modern medical devices designers have the difficult task of trying to take on the role of both engineer and medical expert at the same time, meaning a new product development company has to spend extensive resources and design time submitting and resubmitting models for review by the appropriate authorities.

An ideal way around these obstacles is by involving medical professionals into the design process from the earliest stages of conceptualization. How? By using functional decomposition to identify key processes, create clear goals for needed inventions and make sure solutions work on paper before blindly forging onto mechanical design and prototyping.

How To Apply Functional Decomposition to Medical Device Design

The premise of functional decomposition is simple: to break down key functions into their most essential sub functions in an easy-to-understand diagram. Engineers first state a device’s proposed purpose in simple terms. Then they conceptualizing each step required for the development process:

  • General functions
  • Sub functions
  • Basic functions
  • Object of actions
  • Causes of actions

Can this method be applied to medical device design? Absolutely. Product development companies just need to assign new tags to familiar functions:

  • Performed_On: The patient – or patient organ – becomes the recipient of an action.
  • Performed_By: Doctors or components that cause an action.
  • Has_Environment: Environmental considerations such as sterility are stated.
  • input_flow: Indicates the need for mechanical energy in the procedure or device.
  • output_flow: Refers to the action of removing unneeded material from the patient’s body during a procedure.

These brief tagging examples show how even complex medical procedures or required medical actions on the part of a device can be broken down in a functional decomposition diagram, before ever starting to design a physical model.

An Example of Functional Decomposition in Practice

Consider the gastric compression band. What is the overall function of this simple device? To reduce the size of the patient’s stomach. This requires creating a diagram of the object – the stomach – and the action of applying compression from the medical device – the band. A simple flow chart indicates the steps required, including the presence of a new physical device.

Advantages of Using Functional Decomposition for Medical Device Creation

Here’s why taking the time to convert medical knowledge into digital data is valuable for medical device designers in many situations:

  • A searchable database reduces time needed to find effective subcomponents.
  • Past designs can be easily extrapolated from and expanded upon.
  • Larger teams offering engineering design services can work simultaneously.
  • Time-to-production is reduced for many complex devices.

By creating detailed functional diagrams prior to embarking on the medical device design services they were contracted for, the new product development company would have to start from scratch every time. In a way, functional decomposition becomes a pathway to new medical procedures. By employing functional decomposition, perhaps other product development companies in Philadelphia can be a translator that helps doctors and engineers understand each other clearly when talking about patient needs.