Talking the Talk: The Importance of Using Shop Talk in the Manufacturing Supply Industry

Working in the manufacturing supply industry brings with it a unique set of challenges to overcome. Manufacturers what to work with industrial supply partners that have deep knowledge of the tools and consumable supplies that they will need to do their jobs effectively and prefer not to buy from partners that may be new to the trade. As with any industry, these is a common language or slang in use that insiders use freely to communicate. We call that shop talk.. Although it may seem like a silly thing to be hung up on, don’t overlook the importance of using the right jargon when dealing with buyers of manufacturing supplies. There are several simple reasons which highlight why failing to talk the talk may just be an indicator that when the time comes, you can’t walk the walk either.

Know What’s Going On

On a very basic level you can’t service a client’s needs if you don’t understand them. When you’re serving as a Norton Abrasives distributor you will need to know the difference between typical tool room grinding wheels, high precision grinding wheels, and when a CBN grinding wheel might need to be employed. Clients that have an extensive tool room will know the difference and if you are presenting yourself as the authority on Norton Abrasives, you must come off as authoritative. A tool and die maker who has been doing his job for years will know when you are making things up or appear inexperienced, so using shop talk is imperative to winning their confidence. If you’re an industrial supply company in PA has a representative who doesn’t understand the slang, it can lead to misunderstanding clients  and a negative customer experience when the time comes to deliver.

Establish Your Credibility

Just as a client is likely to be using shop talk when in contact with their manufacturing supplies company, they expect to hear it back as well. When a professional uses common slang for industry terms, it shows a familiarity with the field and the products they are offering. For example, Die Max refers to a particular brand of gas springs that most die makers are very familiar with. Fibro and iFab also make gas springs but they don’t call them Die Max. Therefore when I client asks for Die Max springs, they are often looking for the best value gas springs regardless of the manufacturer’s brand. When you know your provider knows what they’re talking about it’s easier to trust their advice and opinions on what products to buy.

Relatability is Vital

Nothing is more important in any industry than trust. Whether a client is working with an SGS tools distributor or buying micro tools for Swiss machining directly from Kyocera Precision Tools, they need a service provider they can count on. Speaking the same industry language is the first step in building that trust that can then blossom into an effective working relationship. Without the ability to communicate clearly and comfortably that trust will always be on rocky footing, so knowing all the ins and outs of the industry lingo is a must.

If you’re looking for a new industrial supply company in PA it’s important to find one that you’re on the same page with. When your client knows you can speak their language you can get down to the business filling their tooling needs.

Securing Voice Communications in a Hackable World

When it comes to communication, public safety providers such as EMS, firefighters, and police, walk a fine line. On the one hand, the people are entitled to transparency in public safety activities. On the other hand, the sensitive information conveyed could fall into the hands of potential criminals, and its misuse could pose a threat to citizens and public safety personnel alike.

and encryption of most public safety communications, sensitive data transitions
and two way radio systems and 911 dispatch, are of a very high priority. However,
one area of public safety communication that is lagging dangerously far behind
in this regard is the two-way land mobile radio. Secure mobile communications are
desperately needed to bring LMR systems up to the same standard as voice over
IP communications.

LMR and Its Alternatives

Public safety providers use LMR because it is an efficient way to communicate with many different parties at once with the push of a button, without requiring users to look away from the current situation to glance down at the device in their hands, which are drawbacks of smartphone devices sometimes used in lieu of two-way radios. Many mobile data terminals and smartphones provide the encrypted data capabilities where most advanced LMR systems lack the red black separation used in encrypting communications. The solution is to design and implement a system that incorporates the convenience and reliability of push-to-talk LMR and the capacity for cybersecurity of an internet-enabled device to ensure secure mobile communications within the realm of public safety.

Radio Over Internet Protocol

A technology that shows promise as a potential part of the solution is Radio over IP. What is radio over IP you ask? This two way radio over internet protocol is an extension of telephonic Voice over IP technology that works by connecting a series of hardware devices via base stations connected to IP gateways to facilitate communication. Two-way radio over internet presents a possible replacement for traditional LMR due to the following advantages:

  • Provides the same push-to-talk capability
  • Utilizes existing data networks
  • Interoperability with both new and legacy hardware

Software Security

Internet communications are not automatically encrypted, however. Security programming and encryption rules be written, then installed, according to architecture that facilitates encryption. The most basic type of security architecture is a system of red black control. This type of secure RoIP encryption consists of two separate partitions, a red partition containing information that is unencrypted but confidential and a black partition containing encrypted data, with an interface between the two to convert the data back and forth for secure mobile communications.

Steady Progress

The federal government has recognized the need for a nationwide, interoperable public safety communication network and has been in the process of implementing FirstNet, based on encrypted Long Term Evolution Technology, since at least 2016. It is not known when FirstNet will be fully deployed.

Inspiration for New Pet Products Often Come from Pet Owners

If you’ve got a furry friend, he’s no doubt a part of your family. The best ideas for a new product come from people like you that are inspired to improve your life, the lives of others and that includes your pets. Think about how you can take better care of your pet by inventing a better mouse trap to what may already exist or to invent a completely new device to hel feed, bath, walk or care for your pet’s well-being. You may have already been inspired by an idea but thought, “That’s impossible to create”. With the help of a product development company, your new pet product ideas can come to life. Not sure how to arrange your thoughts? The following are some ideas to
get you started on the right track.

Go On a Walk to Get Inspired

Take your pet on a walk and pay attention to everything your pal does. Does he want to stop at every puddle for a drink? From that simple act, you may be inspired to consider ways your pooch can get a cleaner source of water. Does your pet get anxious from loud noises or other barking animals you encounter? Perhaps some noise cancelling device would be a clever invention you could devise with the help of a new product engineer and some funding.

Playing With Your Pet Can Inspire You

Play with your dog, cat or other animal to see what really gets them excited. If you have a dog that likes to play fetch with a stick, you might consider a new style of launcher for a person that that lacks the strength to throw a stick or ball very far. The best ideas are those that can benefit a large group of pet owners, so we encourage you to consider the marketability of a product. Not every bright idea will be appealing to other pet owners. Cats for example get a thrill from chasing strings. My guess is that inventing a robotic string puller when you’re too tired to play may be a costly investment for the development stages, but the vast majority of cat owners may not find that idea too exciting and invest $20+ to buy one for their cat.

Pet Product Manufacturers are Cleaning Up

The American Pet Products Association estimates that pet owners will spend over $72 billion on products for their pets this year and that number continues to grow every year. Most of that is on pet food and the AAFCO regulates grocery products. But what about devices to help in the feeding and even evacuation of waste products? There has got to be a better way to handle cat litter…or do away with cat litter all together…right? Do you know how many pooper scoopers were sold in the US last year? Does Brooke Miller get a piece of all that action? Pet Life Today lists the top 50 Pet Clean up devices on the market in this article. If Ms. Miller had the right product development company helping her with trademarks, physical design engineering help and manufacturing, chances are she is sitting pretty on a pile of cash for her invention.

The Importance of Having Professionals on Your Side

I didn’t find any company headed up by Brooke Miller for this article, so I am assuming she did not clean up on her pet poop invention. Don’t let that happen to your idea for a new pet product. Not all new product development companies are considered equal and it is important you are guided down the right path by professionals that not only offer you the engineering design services you seek but can help you with the legal aspects of registering trademarks, conducting the market research required and believe in your product design ideas as much as you do. We offer product engineering help to inventors as well as the ins and outs of getting your product manufactured cost effectively. We can guide you on the right people to speak with concerning trademarks and sign a non-disclosure agreement, so your ideas are safe until your product ideas are protected.

Design Concepts for the Perfect Master Bath

When it comes to the design of spaces you use most in your home, a little luxury can go a long way. Master bathrooms can be one of the most important rooms to invest in at home. After all, this is typically the room in which you perform your morning and evening personal hygiene routines, so you want to make sure the ambience in the master suite can help you get your day off to a good start and end your day on a good note. Some features of a outstanding master bath experience if you are part of a couple include unique shower fixtures, functional his-her bathroom vanities high-quality countertops and storage spaces.

Double Showerheads

The perfect master bath is nothing without a luxurious walk-in shower. Going beyond the simplicity of a normal tub-shower combo isn’t hard to accomplish; however, a little extra investment in this area can yield great rewards in everyday comfort and the wow factor. One feature you may want to consider in your shower is the dual showerhead. Whether increasing the pleasure of your morning bathing experience or rekindling your romance in the evening, double showerheads are one of those bath design features that you won’t regret.

His-Her Bathroom Vanities

One challenge to designing your new master suite is organizing the space you have according to your needs. While double-sink vanities have become a norm in larger homes, if personal space is a necessity for a couple, you may want to consider his-her bathroom vanities. Not only are separate vanities a stylish and elegant way of designing the flow of your master bath, they can also minimize any arguments a couple may be heading for when his and her hygiene products are separated. Having been married for many years, the beauty products, lotions, potions and hair accessories can mount up over the years. We could have avoided some arguments if only we had individual vanities those years ago.

Quartz Countertops

Another aspect to consider is the maintenance required by various countertop materials. While cultured marble and granite have been traditionally heralded as the go-to bathroom countertop materials, the nearly maintenance-free beauty of quartz is an undeniable attraction in master baths. Various engineered stones and Quartz are very attractive, often less expensive and are easier to maintain than marble. Most kitchen and bath showrooms in NJ today offer a wide selection of countertop samples for you to check out. You will be blown away by the variety.


Building master bathrooms for couples can add great value to your home and your life. Whether it’s the extra counterspace his-her bathroom vanities provide, the luxury of dual showerheads, or the appeal of durable quartz countertops, these are just a few of the bath design remodeling ideas that can help to create the perfect atmosphere in your home.

Smaller Galley Kitchens That Have Style

Older homes and smaller properties often have galley style kitchens. They usually consist of two parallel counter spaces that form a hallway of sorts down the center. Essentially, your kitchen is laid out in one straight line. It’s usually more efficient but often tighter than a rectangular configuration that has been so popular with cookie cutter style homes. Smaller kitchen designs often need to be more organized than larger kitchens. There’s less walking space to work with for sure. This also means less storage space and therefore the kitchen cabinetry designer needs to be well thought out.

A Typical Galley Layout

The most common galley style kitchen design is one in which the refrigerator is on one end, while the oven and range combination is on the other end across from a pantry. The sink and food prep area go in the middle on opposite sides. For smaller kitchens, you might want to stagger the sink and cooktop to give two people room to work. Ideally, the refrigerator is on the same side as the sink.

Splurge on Appliances

In a galley kitchen, you can put a bigger portion of your remodeling budget into smart appliances for kitchens to get the most use out of your smaller space. Perhaps you can invest in a smart refrigerator that offers a screen on the front for watching recipe videos and helps making a shopping list easier. Consider appliances that go under cabinets instead of on the counter to save space.

Open the Space Through Thoughtful Planning

You’ll want to avoid making your kitchen feel like a small space. Cabinetry should be efficient wall units and shelving instead of tall cabinets that go from floor to ceiling. You’ll want to choose lighter wood colors with a high-gloss finish that will reflect the light and make the kitchen feel more open. Doors and drawers without handles will make the space look cleaner. Plus, you won’t be bumping into them whenever you turn around. As with any kitchen, you’ll want to ensure that you’re getting plenty of light. Large windows that offer plenty of natural light can give the illusion of more space.

Purge Useless Gear and Appliances

Most people have kitchen cabinets filled with appliances they rarely use. In a galley kitchen, space is a precious commodity. Go through your tools and kitchen gear. Look at what you really use when you’re preparing the bulk of your meals. Storing a pasta machine when you only use it once a year is probably not a good use of space. When your cupboards are less full, you become much more efficient in your food preparation.

Smart Kitchen Design Makes Your Life More Comfortable

When your galley style kitchen design is well thought out, it makes cooking more fun. Smaller kitchen designs need to be tackled by a kitchen designer that has some experience and can be a bit tougher than some of the larger kitchen designs we see. The younger crowd are really into smart appliances for kitchens but you would need to be considerate of the rule, less is more.

3 Benefits of RoIP for Bus Fleet and Regional Rail Operators

Communication is vital for effective operations in the transportation industry. Operators need to know the status of every vehicle as well as any potential problems along the route. In the past, traditional radio networks served this function well, but technological advances now allow users to replace microwave towers with an internet-based communication network. As the operator of a regional rail system or bus fleet, here are three ways you could benefit by implementing a Radio over IP solution.

1. Significant Cost Savings

One of the biggest reasons telecommunication engineers turn to RoIP is the dramatic cost savings over upgrading older radio networks and hardware. As technology continues to evolve, legacy hardware becomes more expensive to maintain and replace while newer components become more readily available and affordable. To further the affordability, the switch to this type of system doesn’t require a complete overhaul of equipment, as operators can connect digital radios using IP networks with a simple RoIP gateway and some basic configuration adjustments that leverage existing LAN’s, a WAN and private networks.

2. Larger Geographic Footprint

Radio networks provide easy communication without wires, but they do have limitations when it comes to service areas. For a network to expand its reach, operators must lease more lines and microwave towers, which results in significant cost increases. By implementing a RoIP for transportation solution, your communication system’s reach extends to any location that has access to your LAN. The increased interoperability that comes with this protocol also allows users in different locations to remain connected while still taking advantage of the equipment best suited to the unique situation.

3. Increased Reliability

Constant communication is vital when you’re coordinating a fleet of buses or a municipal train network, which is why it’s important for a radio network to be reliable. When part of a standard system fails, it can cripple the entire array and render you unable to talk to your buses or trains. Radio over IP relies on a mesh IP network, which means there are as many connections as possible between nodes. This non-hierarchical setup allows other components to pick up the slack when one fails, and that means your fleet won’t be stuck in the dark while you wait for a technician to repair a tower.

Start Upgrading Today

Now you know some of the benefits that come with this technology, it’s time to start analyzing different RoIP applications to see which ones make sense for your fleet of buses, trains, trucks or other vehicles. Once you’re ready to start making the switch, turn to an experienced communication systems provider in your area to make recommendations for the best hardware and software to meet your organization’s needs.